What is FPL SolarNow, FPL’s voluntary solar partnership program?
- In 2014, FPL received approval from the Florida Public Service Commission to launch a three-year voluntary solar partnership pilot program. The program, now known as FPL SolarNow, provides FPL customers with an easy way to support the sustainment of solar arrays in local Florida communities, without increasing costs on customers who are unable or choose not to participate. As of December 2020, the program has been extended through Dec. 31, 2025. Going forward, FPL SolarNow® will continue to maintain and enhance the solar assets and provide educational activities.
- This program allows FPL customers to support solar energy in their communities, where it can help grow interest and educate more people about solar. See full program details.
What are the environmental benefits of the SolarNow program?
- Solar energy is not only sustainable, it is renewable and this means that we will never run out of it.
- Solar power helps to slow/stop global warming. It actively contributes to the decrease of harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
- Each Solar Tree is capable of producing up to 3 kilowatts of solar energy – enough to power an electric vehicle 15,000 miles per year.
- Advantage of solar power is that no pollution is created in the process of generating electricity.
- Environmentally the cleanest energy, solar energy is renewable and sustainable, helping to protect our environment.
- Unlike conventional power generation, Solar Trees generate energy with no air emissions and no water use.
- Solar canopies could generate enough clean electricity annually to:
- Power the needs of 197 electric vehicles, 12 coffee shops or 600 classrooms, to name a few
- And, also help remove 438,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions to reduce pollution
- The real benefit of using solar energy is its capability of being distributed among our communities and how it benefits everyone.
How does FPL SolarNow, FPL’s voluntary solar partnership program work?
- As part of the program, residents, businesses, local organizations and FPL partner to support solar structures installed out in your community.
- For $9 a month (about 30 cents a day), customers can choose to support the sustainment of these projects. With more than 70 locations throughout FPL service territory, your participation directly supports the sustainment of these solar assets in local Florida communities.
- These systems, which include solar parking canopies and solar trees, can be found in local public areas like community parks, zoos, recreation areas and museums.
Why is FPL offering its customers a voluntary solar partnership program?
- FPL is committed to advancing the use of clean solar energy in Florida. This program provides customers who may not have the ability or desire to install their own solar systems, but care about preserving and protecting the environment, an easy way to support the solar energy in their local communities helping to keep their communities beautiful places to live, while educating future generations on the benefit of solar.
Do all FPL customers have to participate in FPL SolarNow®?
- No. This program is completely voluntary, and a personal choice. Participants must opt-in to join.
Where are these FPL SolarNow® projects located?
- Click here for a map of current and future locations.
What is the difference between an FPL SolarNow® participant and a host site?
- FPL SolarNow® participants are businesses and residential customers that choose to voluntarily enroll in the program for a monthly cost of $9 added to their FPL electric bill. Their funds go toward the maintenance of solar projects in public places in Florida communities.
- FPL SolarNow® host sites are public community locations such as city /county parks, zoos and museums, where the solar projects are located.
Shouldn’t FPL be building these solar canopies on their own? Why is FPL asking customers to pay?
- FPL has long been a leader in clean energy and is committed to advancing the use of solar energy in Florida. FPL continues to invest in local Florida communities and depending on where you live, it’s likely that a school or other educational facility like a museum or a zoo near you is producing solar energy now. FPL has installed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at more than 100 sites across 23 counties to give students and communities hands-on experience with renewable energy.
- As a regulated utility, FPL has a duty to focus on the most economical energy sources for customers. We are able to build universal solar cost-effectively – For more information, visit our Locations page.
- Also, the FPL SolarNow® program provides customers who may not have the ability or desire to install their own solar systems, but care about preserving and protecting the environment, and educating future generations on the benefits of solar, an easy way to support the maintenance and operation of solar energy projects in local communities, which has a higher cost than the large, universal solar power plants that FPL generally builds in rural areas that have sufficient land. FPL’s goal is to install 30 million solar panels by 2030, making Florida a world leader in solar energy.
With my participation, do I get solar power at my home or meter?
- No. The electricity generated by FPL SolarNow installations flows to the energy grid to benefit all FPL customers. The program is created to provide customers with an easy way to support the sustainment of solar assets in local communities.
If I participate in FPL SolarNow, FPL’s voluntary solar partnership program, will it reduce my FPL electric bills?
- No. Participants do not see a reduction on their FPL electric bill. The program is created to provide customers with an easy way to support the maintenance of solar assets in local communities, which has a higher cost than the large, universal solar power plants that FPL generally builds in rural areas that have sufficient land. FPL’s goal is to install 30 million solar panels by 2030, making Florida a world leader in solar energy.
Is my $9 monthly contribution to the FPL SolarNow® program tax deductible?
- No, your $9 monthly FPL SolarNow® contribution is not tax-deductible. FPL is not a tax-exempt organization. FPL SolarNow™ contributions will support the sustainment of solar assets throughout the community.
Why doesn’t FPL already provide clean solar energy?
- FPL is the leading clean energy provider in Florida, and one of the cleanest in the nation. Depending on where you live in Florida, it’s likely that a school or other educational facility like a museum or a zoo near you is producing solar energy now. FPL has installed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at more than 100 sites across 23 counties to give students and communities hands-on experience with renewable energy.
- In 2019, FPL announced a groundbreaking “30-by-30” plan to install more than 30 million solar panels by 2030 and make the state of Florida a leader in the production of solar energy. FPL has secured solar sites throughout the state, which will enable the company to continue to cost effectively build solar energy centers across Florida.
- FPL continues to explore technologies to find new ways to change Florida’s energy future for the better.
- Learn more about our large-scale solar energy centers, and other ways FPL is moving solar energy forward.
How does clean solar energy benefit the environment and help my community?
- Advantage of solar power is that no pollution is created in the process of generating electricity; it is environmentally the cleanest energy. Solar Energy is clean, renewable and sustainable, helping to protect our environment.
- It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical generation does. Therefore solar energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain or smog. It actively contributes to the reduction of harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about the benefits of solar energy, and all that FPL is doing to produce affordable, clean energy.
How do I know that I am really supporting the maintenance of structures that provide education about the benefits of solar?
- We encourage you to see for yourself! Visit one of the locations you are supporting
- Participants also receive a newsletter to keep them updated on events and educational offerings. You can see all the solar that have been completed here.
Does FPL offer solar PV rebates for businesses or residents?
- No, FPL no longer offers solar rebate program. If you are installing your own solar installation, you can find information about our net-metering program at FPL.com/netmetering
Does FPL benefit financially from this program?
No. FPL’s motivation behind the voluntary solar program is not financial. To demonstrate our intent to partner with participating customers:
- The NextEra Energy Foundation, FPL’s non-profit charity, will contribute a total of $200,000 annually to local, Florida-based non-profit organizations. This contribution approximates the regulated return that FPL SolarNow® would generate.
- Additionally, we will limit marketing and administrative expenses to less than 20 percent of the program’s total expenses.
How does the FPL SolarNow program contribute to non-profit organizations?
- FPL supports a variety of non-profit organizations throughout the communities we serve, including many dedicated to environmental protection and community development.
- As part of the FPL SolarNow program, an annual contribution from the NextEra Energy Foundation is given to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math)- related charities to support education on renewable energy, including solar power.
Does my $9 go toward the contribution given to the non-profit organization?
- No. Customers’ monthly contributions do not go toward the non-profit organizations, nor do they fund enrollment incentives or other participant bonuses (e.g. zoo discounts).
- FPL shareholders, via the NextEra Energy Foundation, fund the non-profit contributions.
How do I sign up for the FPL SolarNow voluntary partnership program? How am I billed?
- Customers can sign up to participate online.
- Once enrollment has been confirmed, the program appears on a participant’s FPL bill as an individual line item, one billing cycle later. The line item will be a $9 charge for Voluntary Solar Program.
- Participants can view and pay their FPL bill at any time by logging in to www.fpl.com
What happens after I activate my enrollment?
- Within one business day after signing up, participants receive an email confirming their enrollment.
- Beginning the first monthly billing cycle after enrollment, the program charge of $9 will appear on a participant’s monthly FPL bill as an individual line item, labeled Voluntary Solar Program.
What happens if I want to cancel my participation? How do I cancel?
Participation is completely voluntary. You can cancel at any time, with no penalties. Cancel online or by calling:
- Residential customers: 1-800-342-5375 (800-DIAL FPL)
- Business customers: 1-800-375-2434
What are the FPL SolarNow® terms and conditions?
Please refer to FPL SolarNow, FPL’s voluntary solar partnership program Terms & Conditions for complete information.
Give the gift of a cleaner tomorrow
For $9 a month, or about 30 cents a day, FPL SolarNow is an easy way to help bring clean solar energy to our communities, giving the next generation the gift of a cleaner tomorrow.
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